Available courses

This is recommended for trainers and facilitators.
Repository of evaluation instruments for standardizing the measuring the quality of the courses.

Standardized course for existing and potential entrepreneurs. The course duration can be from 3 to 10 days. Depending on the facilitators and participants agreement.

Learning benefits: 

  • Entrepreneurial competences: goal setting, information seeking, self-confidence, opportunity finding, moderate risk taking, decision making, responsibility acceptance, learning from failures, persistence, work commitment.
  • Creativity rules and tools, idea generation and selection 
  • Market understanding, market share and survey, marketing mix, budget and plan 
  • Management and leadership skills, team work, problem solving 
  • Business organisation, effectiveness, quality management 
  • Financial management: costs, investment and financing plan 
  • Financial statements: profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet 
  • Business plan preparation and presentation

This is a test course for testing purposes.

The proposed training is composed of highly interactive workshops for young people and small family businesses that wish to learn the art of efficient family and business budget management and honing their personal and business financial skills.

The goal of the training is to develop the financial competences of youth by: budgeting, savings and planning skills that help participants manage their income and expenses and understanding borrowing, basic financial management and investment-driven market expansion. 

Business finances are important for every young person who wants to succeed, improve and sustain start-ups and small businesses. Personal finance skills are strategies and habits that can help you manage your finances more effectively. Picking up these skills is essential for every ‘grownup’ because it can help achieve financial independence and stability.
By the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • Analyze financial needs effectively,
  • Determine ways to decrease expenses,
  • Understand the importance of saving and identify savings goals,
  • Know how to do basic record-keeping,
  • Understand the importance of budgeting and develop personal budgets,
  • Be familiar with financial institutions in Macedonia,
  • Be aware of the risks associated with debt and strategies to keep out of debt,
  • Feel confident making financial plans for the future,
  • Gain basic business skills and an understanding of the factors that influence business success.
  • Learn how to further develop very small and small enterprises and discover challenges and opportunities on the way forward.
  • Understand basic accounting and controlling principles and apply simple financial tools.
  • Understand the interface between microfinance institutions and clients and realize implications.

RALLY STARTUP Business Plan - Training Workshop that can be stretched up to 32 hours online or blended learning.

It is based on the development of a basic business plan for young people (Awareness Level) in a digital version, conceptualized within the framework of a Rally-type journey, where each entrepreneur (Pilot) participates as a team with his or her venture (Co-pilot), experiencing throughout the journey, challenges that contemplate technical and conceptual tools that they will put into practice with their own ventures and will allow them to develop their own business model.

This course is for participants:

• Young entrepreneurs between 18 and 30 years old are recommended;

• With active ventures that need to be strengthened and evolved or with a clear business idea that they wish to carry out in the next 6 months;

• With an identified Value Proposal to develop;

• Have the necessary technological tools for the training of virtual modality and its basic management;

RALLY START-UP MARKETING is Training Workshop based on the development of a basic Digital Marketing skills for young people (Awareness Level), conceptualized within the framework of a Rally-type journey , where each entrepreneur (Pilot) participates as a team with his venture (Co-pilot), experiencing throughout the journey, a diversity of challenges that will allow him to advance until he achieves the fulfillment of the objectives set in each section of the route.
During this journey, they receive technical and conceptual tools that they will put into practice in their own ventures, which will allow them to develop the marketing area for their business model, with which they will fill the Cup that they will receive as a Trophy at the end of the road.
● Stimulate the development of the entrepreneurial personality of the beneficiaries, providing them with essential tools and knowledge for the elaboration of a basic Marketing Plan.
● Promote opportunities for development and integration among the group of participants to promote the formation of a support network among the beneficiary entrepreneurs.

Training for financial literacy through Micro Business Games

Micro Business Game is a highly interactive training for microentrepreneurs and for all people who want to learn in practice how the success and sustainability of start-ups and small businesses can be improved.

The learning effects of the Micro Business Game are very tangible. • Increase financial and entrepreneurial knowledge about starting a small business and getting it run by understanding basic accounting principles and applying simple financial tools like sales forecasts, cash-flows, balance sheets and profit and loss statements. • Understand the role of different business stakeholders like suppliers and customers, lenders and regulators, defining goals and strategies for dealing with each stakeholder. • Learn to identify new business opportunities by entering new markets or introducing additional products. • Manage unexpected events and risks, plan investments and work with financial institutions and their products. • Together with experienced trainers complex situations are broken down, decision options and best solutions are actively discussed in groups and set against real business practice.

This is  best as a Business Start Up Course for Members of Youth Clubs.

The course will motivate 8-14 years old young people to entertain goals for  entrepreneurship as an alternative to seeking employment.  The course is meant to provide experiences for individuals to deal with fears under conditions of uncertainty.  Stereotypes about business are replaced with knowledge and confidence gained from practical experiences inside and outside the classroom.  The structured experiences are chosen and arranged   so that students will generate personal insights on the following:

·       Why go to business? 

·       What does it take to do business?

·       How do I know what business to start? 

·       How do I market what I produce? 

·       How do I produce for my market? 

The training for participation and facilitation of digital events was designed to improve the participants skills and knowledge on how to prepare the course, prepare participants, organize and design an online training, how to conduct and use  engaging methods and techniques for online training as well. The financial support for this program is provided by the project GETYES2 and its partners.

The training is carried out online, through ZOOM, or other platform for video meetings and conferencing.  Total duration of the training is about 18 hours. 8 hours real time training and 10 hours pre work and asynchronous training.

The main objective of the training is to improve participants skills, experience and knowledge on how to facilitate remote events, how to organize and design an online training, how to implement and evaluate an online training. 

The specific objectives of the training were:

▪           To introduce the participants with the importance of the training

▪           To gain knowledge on the adult learning styles

▪           To gain knowledge on designing and preparation of online training

▪           To gain knowledge on communication and presentation skills

▪           To gain knowledge on methods and techniques of online training

▪           To gain knowledge and skills on group processes and their management

▪           To gain knowledge and skills on evaluation and reporting a training

Nekoj opis

После завршување на обуката, која се состои од четири модула, учесникот ќе биде способен да: подготви, води и евалуира обука и сесии.

Поконкретно, да сте способни за испорачување на обука (структура на обука, енерџајзери, јавно говорење, употреба на практични вежби, држење на вниманието на учесниците и сл.)

Секој обучувач мора да го има техничкото знаење за да може со помош на методите и техниките за обучување да го пренесе своето знаење и искуство на учесниците, мора да ги знае меѓучовечките односи, за да во текот на обуката да биде запознаен и со групните процеси.

Обуката ќе биде организирана во четири модули, кои се дизајнирани да ве запознаат со начините на работа со возрасни. Секој тематски дел е комбиниран со вежби и техники кои вие понатаму ќе можете да ги моделирате и прилагодувате во однос на вашите потреби.

По завршувањето на обуката, учесникот ќе се стекне со сертификат за професионален обучувач на возрасни. 

Учесникот може да се стекне со сертификат само доколку посетува и активно учествува на најмалку 75% од обуката.

Обуката вклучува теориски и практични часови преку кои учесниците ќе се стекнат со знаења, вештини и ставови потребни за оспособување да работат како професионални обучувачи на возрасни. Обуката се реализира во 24 часа интерактивни часови.

Резултатите на постигнувањата на учесниците ќе бидат оценувани на крајот од процесот на обука и ќе се базираат на јасни поставени критериуми, кои гарантираат дека учесниците ги имаат потребните способности да работат како професионални обучувачи на возрасни.

Клучно во обуката е активно учество во обуката на сите учесници.
Процесот на обука ќе биде адаптиран согласно специфичните потреби на секој учесник.
Оценувањето на крајот од обуката ќе се спроведе со комбинација на пишан, устен и практичен дел.